"Thanks for the great book and all your great customer service!" -J.R.
" I've added a link to your site, which I just found, on the Stained Glass Pattern Directory. I love your patterns, and I also visited your gallery." -Chantal Pare
"Here are two pieces I made from your patterns. I love them. I think it is amazing that high school students have the opportunity to learn from you. I didn't start with stained glass until I retired."
-Denise Davis Schmoyer
-Denise Davis Schmoyer
"What a Godsend [your patterns] are. Your work is truly wonderful and has made my project seem nearly effortless. Many thanks to you and be assured I have you and your site bookmarked." -N. Flanigan

"...a panel I made from the Welsh Dragon pattern (with a slight modification so it matches the logo of a re-enactment organization I'm active with). Thank you again for making such a great set of patterns!" -CJ Miller
" I love your patterns. I'd been looking for good Celtic knot patterns (even took a class on making Celtic knots.)" -R.W.